Thursday, October 21, 2010


Hello all. Just wanted to do a quick update as it's been a couple weeks. I've been feeling fairly good these last few days. I've only been dealing with some bowel problems (another lovely side effect most people don't know about) due to all the meds. But I've had some of my best days lately. My spirits are up. My body seems to be handling the chemo well. I've started to exercise lightly on my stationary bike. My appetite varies, but I've been trying to get down all the supplements and calories I can. I am still close to 50 pounds lighter than I was, but I'm hoping to gain at least 15-20 pounds back if I can.

I got a phone call yesterday from Danny Ainge. For those of you who don't know who he is, Danny is the general manager of the Boston Celtics. He's a former player who I watched as a kid growing up. I remember him helping us dismantle the Lakers many times, as we continue to do present day. I couldn't believe he called. We had a heart to heart talk. He's a great man who has a good perspective on life. For him to take time out of his busy schedule to talk to me was something he didn't have to do, and it made my day. My social worker, Allison, set it up and got me 4 tickets to the Celtics-Knicks game on the 29th. I should be able to meet Danny before the game, and possibly some of the team. I can't wait. I will force my body to feel good if necessary.

So I titled this post "Shrinkage" because I want everyone to "Think Shrink". Now that the cancer is stable, we are hoping to get the lesions or tumors to begin reducing in size, hopefully disappearing if possible. The smaller and fewer there are the better.

That's all for now. On a side note Jen and I are looking to visit California in early December. I am looking forward to that and to seeing our friends. We'll have to plan well so we can visit everyone. It will be fun.



  1. YAY! I love this idea of "think shrink." :) I'm glad you're feeling better this time around. Enjoy the game, what a sweet treat. AND, I want to see you both when you're here. xoxo

  2. Boston ~ wow my home turf (or 20 minutes south of there called Weymouth)... I live in FL now and have since 97...I hope you are feeling ok... Know that your age is in your favor... I was 39 when I was told I had lung cancer... I am currently just about 4 years cancer free..(you can read my story on my blog if you click).. Keep a strong positive attitude.. that is what carried me through ...

    Enjoy the game ~ I don't follow the Celtics but am a die hard Patriots fan ...


  3. I will hold the "Think Shrink" near to my heart and pass the word on to Austin. Have an awesome time at the Celtics game. Miss you lots.
